Monday, November 25, 2013

Adolescent Interview

I recently interviewed a 16 year old girl from a suburb in Long Island.  For the most part, I would initially describe her as fairly typical in her use of technology and networked media, at least in the common perception, but upon further review I have found her responses fresh and perhaps atypical of people her age, mainly in the amount of time that she uses social media.  Her use and integration of networked environments in her life is fairly utilitarian and her responses have exhibited that.  She has successfully utilized technology so that it is maximizes utility while she appropriately separates it from other parts of her life.  Her success is through a hierarchy of methods of communication that she has created, being that some communicative tools are more appropriate for some situations that others.  

The notion of informality that comes up with text messages is interesting  and the fact that people have different roles in her life with different attachments is also refreshing.  Too many times people blame text messaging and shorthand for the shortcomings of adolescent writing but as of this conversation, I think that there are other factors involved.  I think it is also interesting because as the common perception of students/adolescents is toward their attachment of technology and using it more and more in their everyday life, these young people still have a great anchor in the technologies of the past, books, physical human interaction, etc.  The dialogue that is listed below is honest and telling of how she and other students her age find the application of emerging technologies, the usefulness of them, and the hurdles in their applications in school.

How old are you?

What are the top 3 forms of social media that you use?
Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr

Do you have a favorite software or app?
Yes, Instagram

How often per weekday do you use social media?
Around once or twice a day

What is one piece of technology you couldn't live without and why?
I can't live without my cell phone because with it I can access news immediately, and I enjoy using it for the occasional welcomed distraction and entertainment.

Do you enjoy being always connected to some kind of network?
Yes, I don't like missing out on stories that my close friends are talking about and the pictures that they post.  Having the ability to always be in the "know" is very nice.

Do you like time without technology and why?
I like it, I think its important to put boarders on technology and its important to spend time with friends and family without distractions.

Briefly name two situations when you wouldn't send a text message to someone, besides emergencies.
I usually don't send text messages to my friends except when something does not require conversation, like confirmations, yes and no questions.  I value talking to people "voice to voice".  I also wouldn't send a text message to most adults because I think it is too informal.

Are you more likely to pick up a book or digital reader?
I am more likely to pick up a book because for some reason, I am hesitant about picking up digital readers because of the fact that I can get distracted by other things on it.

Do you think digital media defines you well or speaks clearly as to who you see yourself as?
I don't let that happen because I fell that people would have a better understanding of who I am meeting me face to face.  I also don't like the idea that anyone on the internet could access information about me.

Would you like to see digital technology used more or less in school?
I would like to see it used less in school because even though iPads make things very accessible, most students do not use them appropriately in class and teachers are hesitant about the switch to a paperless classroom because when there is a problem with technology it seems like it is more disabling than when there is a snafu with papers.  The margin of error is huge with technology.

Word Association:
(We then did some word associations to see what her "knee jerk" reaction was to the following words.)

Friend: Fun
Facebook: Notifications
MySpace: Old
Twitter: Tweet
Book: Read


  1. Erik,

    Yes, your interviewee did seem to have a different perspective on her use of technology than many of the other interviews I have read. She seemed very focused and enjoyed face-to-face contact which is a refreshing change. I wonder if there is any correlation to specific ages that the usage changes. It seems that the 13 -14 year olds are more attached to the lifeline of technology. This could be because parents try to restrict it more or just the development phase.


  2. Lydia,

    Thanks for the comment. I think that the younger age groups are more attached to technology because they have had it for more often. I often see people letting their young children "play" with iPads, cell phones, etc. and I would guess that they will be more and more attached to technology in their life. I think that myself, as someone who didn't have technology for my formative years, just doesn't live life with that accessory. I think that maybe I had other values growing up and I was outside more than inside so I am much more of a hands on person than others I know. I can't stay still without doing something.
